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Nuclear Dynamics in a Fungal Chimera


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  1. Cytoplasmic Mixing
  2. Chemotropic Interaction
  3. Fusion Hyphae
  4. 3d Rotation
  5. 3D rotation of SOFT-GFP 
  6. Laser Ablation
  7. Oscillation of MAK2-GFP
  8. Oscillation of SOFT-GRP
  9. Out of Phase Oscillation
  10. Flows of (histone) 1
  11. Flows of (histone) 2


Hickey, P.C., D. J. Jacobson, N. D. Read and N. L. Glass, 2002. Live-cell imaging of vegetative hyphal fusion in Neurospora crassa. Fungal Genet Biol 37:109-119

Cytoplasmic mixing after hyphal fusion in N. crassa. Hyphae stained with FM1-43. (N308T1A.AVI):

Chemotropic interaction between fusion hyphae in N. crassa. Hyphae stained with FM4-64. (N319T1.avi):

 Fusion hyphae and cytoplasmic flow in N. crassa. Hyphae stained with FM4-64. (N464T2.avi):         .

3D rotation of fusion pore in N. crassa. Hyphae stained with FM4-64. (3d fusion.avi):

Citation Fleissner, A. and N. L. Glass, 2007.  SO, a protein involved in hyphal fusion in Neurospora crassa, localizes to septal plugs. Eukaryot Cell 6:84-94.

S1.mpg -- 3D rotation of SOFT-GFP at septa in N. crassa: --  Laser ablation of hyphae and subsequent localization of SOFT-GFP at septal pores:

Citation Fleißner, A., A.C. Leeder, M.G. Roca, N.D. Read and N.L. Glass, 2009. Oscillatory recruitment of signaling proteins to cell tips promotes coordinated behavior during cell fusion Proc Natl Acad Sci USA106:19387-92.

Oscillation of MAK2-GFP in germlings during chemotropic interactions prior to cell fusion. Germlings are genetically identical:

Oscillation of SOFT-GFP in germlings during chemotropic interactions prior to cell fusion. Germlings are genetically identical:

Out of phase oscillation of MAK2-GFP and dsRED-SOFT during chemotropic interactions between genetically identical germlings:

Roper, M., A. Simonin, P. C. Hickey, A. Leeder and N. L. Glass, 2013. Nuclear dynamics in a fungal chimera. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:12875-12880

S1 heterokaryon - Flows of (histone) H1-dsRED and (histone) H1-GFP (which differentially label nuclei) in a heterokaryon of N. crassa:

Flow of (histone) H1-GFP nuclei in a N. crassa colony can be reversed by applying an osmotic gradient: